Define Column ICON
Use icon
property when drawing icons.
You can use 2 types of icons below by setting.
- ICON by Web Font
- ICON by picture
Standard way to specify Web Fonts
For standard Web font, you should set font
and content
<div class="sample1 demo-grid small"></div>
const grid = new cheetahGrid.ListGrid({
parentElement: document.querySelector(".sample1"),
header: [
caption: "text",
width: 180,
icon: {
font: "normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome",
content: "iconContent",
width: 16, // Optional
field: "text",
caption: "button",
width: 180,
icon: {
font: "normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome",
content: "iconContent",
width: 16, // Optional
columnType: new cheetahGrid.columns.type.ButtonColumn({
caption: "BUTTON",
action: new cheetahGrid.columns.action.ButtonAction({
action(rec) {
grid.records = [
{ text: "file", iconContent: "\uf15b" },
{ text: "audio", iconContent: "\uf1c7" },
{ text: "code", iconContent: "\uf1c9" },
{ text: "image", iconContent: "\uf1c5" },
ICON in sample uses Font Awesome Icons
html<!-- Font Awesome: --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
Other ways to specify Web Font
You can use web font by setting className
<div class="sample2 demo-grid small"></div>
const grid = new cheetahGrid.ListGrid({
parentElement: document.querySelector(".sample2"),
header: [
caption: "text",
width: 180,
icon: {
className: "iconClassName",
width: 16, // Optional
field: "text",
caption: "button",
width: 180,
icon: {
className: "iconClassName",
width: 16, // Optional
color: "#fff", // Optional
columnType: new cheetahGrid.columns.type.ButtonColumn({
caption: "BUTTON",
action: new cheetahGrid.columns.action.ButtonAction({
action(rec) {
grid.records = [
{ text: "file", iconClassName: "fa fa-file" },
{ text: "audio", iconClassName: "fa fa-file-audio-o" },
{ text: "code", iconClassName: "fa fa-file-code-o" },
{ text: "image", iconClassName: "fa fa-file-image-o" },
How to specify Images
Set src
to show pictures.
<div class="sample3 demo-grid small"></div>
const grid = new cheetahGrid.ListGrid({
parentElement: document.querySelector(".sample3"),
header: [
caption: "OSS",
width: 300,
icon: {
src: "iconSrc",
width: 16,
field: "label",
caption: "link",
width: 150,
icon: {
src: "iconSrc",
width: 16,
columnType: new cheetahGrid.columns.type.ButtonColumn({
caption: "LINK",
action: new cheetahGrid.columns.action.ButtonAction({
action(rec) {, "_blank");
grid.records = [
label: "Vuls: VULnerability Scanner",
url: "",
label: "uroboroSQL",
iconSrc: "",
url: "",
label: "Urushi",
url: "",
Multiple Icons
Give array in order to show multiple icons.
<div class="sample4 demo-grid small"></div>
const grid = new cheetahGrid.ListGrid({
parentElement: document.querySelector(".sample4"),
header: [
caption: "text",
width: 180,
icon: {
font: "normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome",
content: "iconContent",
width: 16, // Optional
field: "text",
caption: "button",
width: 180,
icon: {
font: "normal normal normal 14px/1 FontAwesome",
content: "iconContent",
width: 16, // Optional
columnType: new cheetahGrid.columns.type.ButtonColumn({
caption: "BUTTON",
action: new cheetahGrid.columns.action.ButtonAction({
action(rec) {
grid.records = [
{ text: "files", iconContent: ["\uf15b", "\uf1c7", "\uf1c9", "\uf1c5"] },
{ text: "forms", iconContent: ["\uf046", "\uf192", "\uf0fe", "\uf147"] },
{ text: "charts", iconContent: ["\uf1fe", "\uf080", "\uf200"] },
<div class="sample5 demo-grid small"></div>
const grid = new cheetahGrid.ListGrid({
parentElement: document.querySelector(".sample5"),
header: [
caption: "OSS",
width: 300,
icon: {
src: "iconSrc",
width: 16,
field: "label",
caption: "link",
width: 150,
icon: {
src: "iconSrc",
width: 16,
columnType: new cheetahGrid.columns.type.ButtonColumn({
caption: "LINK",
action: new cheetahGrid.columns.action.ButtonAction({
action(rec) {, "_blank");
const vulsIconUrl =
const uroboroSQLIconUrl =
const urushiIconUrl =
grid.records = [
label: "Vuls: VULnerability Scanner",
iconSrc: [vulsIconUrl, vulsIconUrl, vulsIconUrl, vulsIconUrl],
url: "",
label: "uroboroSQL",
iconSrc: [uroboroSQLIconUrl, uroboroSQLIconUrl, uroboroSQLIconUrl],
url: "",
label: "Urushi",
iconSrc: [urushiIconUrl, urushiIconUrl],
url: "",
label: "Awesome OSS",
iconSrc: [vulsIconUrl, uroboroSQLIconUrl, urushiIconUrl],
url: "",