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Options and Properties


Constructor Options

headerHeadersDefineDefine simple headers and layout. This property cannot be used with the layout property. See Define Headers and Columns.
layoutLayoutDefineDefine advanced headers and layout. This property cannot be used with the header property. See Advanced Layout.
recordsArrayRecords. This property cannot be used with the dataSource property. See Grid Data.
dataSourceDataSourceThe data source that supplies the records. This property cannot be used with the records property. See Grid Data.
parentElementHTMLElementSpecify the parent element.
frozenColCountnumberSpecify the number of columns to be frozen to the left.
defaultRowHeightnumberSpecify the default grid rows height.
defaultColWidthnumberSpecify the default grid columns width.
headerRowHeightnumber[] / numberSpecify the header row(s) height.
themeThemeDefine / stringSpecify the theme. See Theme.
fontstringSpecify the default font.
underlayBackgroundColorstringSpecify the underlay background color.
allowRangePastebooleanSpecify true to allow pasting of the range. See Examples of allowRangePaste.
trimOnPastebooleanSpecify true, trim the pasted text on pasting.
disableColumnResizebooleanSpecify true to disable column resize.
keyboardOptions.moveCellOnTabboolean / functionSpecify true to enable cell movement by Tab key. You can also specify a function that determines which cell to move to.
keyboardOptions.moveCellOnEnterboolean / functionSpecify true to enable cell movement by Enter key. You can also specify a function that determines which cell to move to.
keyboardOptions.deleteCellValueOnDelbooleanSpecify true to enable enable deletion of cell values with the Del and BS keys.
keyboardOptions.selectAllOnCtrlAbooleanSpecify true to enable select all cells by Ctrl + A key.


headerHeadersDefineSame as the constructor option.
layoutLayoutDefineSame as the constructor option.
recordsArraySame as the constructor option.
dataSourceDataSourceSame as the constructor option.
frozenColCountnumberSame as the constructor option.
defaultRowHeightnumberSame as the constructor option.
defaultColWidthnumberSame as the constructor option.
themeThemeDefine / stringSame as the constructor option.
fontstringSame as the constructor option.
underlayBackgroundColorstringSame as the constructor option.
allowRangePastebooleanSame as the constructor option.
trimOnPastebooleanSame as the constructor option.
keyboardOptionsobjectSame as the constructor option.
sortStateSortStateSort state.
headerValuesMapA map of the values entered in the header.