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Using Promises

Cheetah Grid supports Promise object. We suppose the situations below as a example.

  • Get the record informations as deferred
    Get and show a few records in first view. Remaining records are shown when scrolled.
  • Get the cell informations as deferred
    Get and show the important informations in first view. Remaining details are shown later.

Promise Records

Shows usage below.

In this example grid shows 1,000 recors as a whole. Getting 100 records by each ajax is supposed.

  style="width: 100%; height: 100px;"
ajax logs</textarea
<div class="rec_sample demo-grid middle"></div>

getRecordsWithAjax in example code returns Promise object which get 100 records by ajax.

const getRecordsWithAjax = (startIndex, num) =>
  new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      const records = [];
      for (let i = 0; i < num; i++) {
        records.push(generatePerson(startIndex + i));
      const log = document.querySelector(".rec_sample_log");
      log.value += `\nAcquire ${num} data from index ${startIndex}.`;
      log.value = log.value.trim();
      log.scrollTop = log.scrollHeight;

    }, 500);

// create DataSource
const loadedData = {};
const dataSource = new{
  get(index) {
    const loadStartIndex = Math.floor(index / 100) * 100;
    if (!loadedData[loadStartIndex]) {
      const promiseObject = getRecordsWithAjax(loadStartIndex, 100); // return Promise Object
      loadedData[loadStartIndex] = promiseObject;
    return loadedData[loadStartIndex].then(
      (data) => data[index - loadStartIndex]
  length: 1000, //all records count

// create cheetahGrid
const grid = new cheetahGrid.ListGrid({
  parentElement: document.querySelector(".rec_sample"),
  header: [
    { field: "personid", caption: "ID", width: 100 },
    { field: "fname", caption: "First Name", width: 200 },
    { field: "lname", caption: "Last Name", width: 200 },
    { field: "email", caption: "Email", width: 250 },
      field: (rec) => new Intl.DateTimeFormat().format(rec.birthday),
      caption: "birthday",
      width: 200,
  frozenColCount: 1,
grid.configure("fadeinWhenCallbackInPromise", true);

// set dataSource
grid.dataSource = dataSource;

Promise Cells

Example below shows Person data. Department informations are shown later by ajax.

  style="width: 100%; height: 100px;"
ajax logs</textarea
<div class="cell_sample demo-grid middle"></div>

getPersonDeptWithAjax in example code returns Promise object which get department information by ajax.

const records = generatePersons(1000);
const depts = [
  "General Affairs",
  "General Accounting",
  "Sales Promotion",
  "Public Relations",
  "Information & Research",
const getPersonDeptWithAjax = (personid) =>
  new Promise((resolve) => {
    setTimeout(() => {
      const dept = depts[Math.floor(Math.random() * depts.length)];
      const log = document.querySelector(".cell_sample_log");
      log.value += `\nAcquire department data of personid: ${personid}. => department: ${dept}`;
      log.value = log.value.trim();
      log.scrollTop = log.scrollHeight;

    }, 500);

const grid = new cheetahGrid.ListGrid({
  parentElement: document.querySelector(".cell_sample"),
  header: [
    { field: "personid", caption: "ID", width: 100 },
    { field: "fname", caption: "First Name", width: 200 },
    { field: "lname", caption: "Last Name", width: 200 },
    { field: "email", caption: "Email", width: 250 },
      field(rec) {
        return getPersonDeptWithAjax(rec.personid); // return Promise Object
      caption: "Department",
      width: 250,
  frozenColCount: 1,
grid.configure("fadeinWhenCallbackInPromise", true);

grid.records = records;